How to integrate CallHippo with Freshdesk? On Freshdesk:On CallHippo:
You can follow these steps to activate your Freshdesk integration with CallHippo and create tickets for each one of your calls
Note - Your Email address must be the same in both Callhippo account and freshdesk account that has to be Integrated and E-mail address should not contain “+”.
Login to your Freshdesk *account**.
Note your Domain Name from URL, for example: ‘callhippo1’ is Domain name in
Go to your Profile icon on the top right corner and click on it. In the drop-down menu, click on ‘Profile Settings’.
Find and copy your ‘API key’.
Login to your CallHippo *account**.
Go to the Sidebar and click on ‘Integrations’.
Click on the “Integrate” button in front of “Freshdesk”.
Once you click on ‘Integration’ button, you will get one pop-up asking you api-key and domain name (which you copied from URL in previous steps). Enter the details and click on ‘Save’.
Once you click on Save, you will get a message saying ‘Your account with freshdesk will be integrated soon. You will get notified about the same via an email’ and your integration status will be ‘in-progress’.
Once the integration is successful and the process gets completed, your integration status will be ‘integrated’ as shown below :
So now you have successfully integrated your freshdesk account with your CallHippo account and your existing data is synced with CallHippo.
But to sync new data that is being created in freshdesk, you need to create several webhooks, which is explained as below :
Here we will create total of 4 webhooks, which is as follows
But before creating webhook, please copy and note down your CallHippo user id somewhere. Steps to find your CallHippo user id as follows :
Go to Users page in CallHippo
Click on ‘Main User’. It will redirect you to the user setting page.
Now copy the highlighted portion shown in below image and note it down.
### Create ‘Add new ticket’ webhook
Go to your freshdesk dashboard and click on the ‘Admin’ tab as shown below :
Then under the ‘Helpdesk Productivity’ section click on 'Automations' icon as shown below: :
Now Under ticket creation tab, click on New Rule.
Now insert the details as shown below :
Rule Name: Add New Ticket
Description: Called when new ticket with Open Status is created
Then select ‘Match ANY of the below’ radio button.
Below that under ‘Conditions’ section, in a dropdown, select
Select Condition: Status
In the next dropdown, select ‘Is’
And then in the next dropdown select ‘Open’.
Then under ‘Actions’ segment,
Select Action : Trigger Webhook
Request Type : POST
Callback Url : (here replace ‘59a122da8fe5d239bfc0288a’ with your userid shown in previous steps)
Encoding : JSON
Content : Simple
Then select checkbox against ‘Ticket ID {{ }} label
Then click on Save.
Refer below images for more information.
Go to your freshdesk dashboard and click on the ‘Admin’ tab as shown below :
Then under the ‘Helpdesk Productivity’ section click on ‘*Automations**’ icon as shown below:
Now click on ticket updates tab, and click on New Rule -
Now insert the details as shown below :
Rule Name: Close Ticket
Then under ‘When an action performed by… ’ section select radio button against ‘Agent or Requester’ label.
Below that under ‘involve any of these conditions ’ sections, in a dropdown, select
Select Event: Status is changed
From: Open
To: Closed.
Then under ‘perform these actions’ segment,
Select Action: Trigger Webhook
Request Type: POST
Callback Url : []( replace ‘59a122da8fe5d239bfc0288a’ with your user id shown in previous steps)
Encoding: JSON
Content: Simple
Then select checkbox against ‘Ticket ID {{ }} label
Then click on Save.
Refer below images for more information.
### Create ‘Open ticket’ webhook
Go to your freshdesk dashboard and click on the ‘Admin’ tab as shown below :
Then under the ‘Helpdesk Productivity’ section click on ‘*Automations**’ icon as shown below: :
Now click on ticket updates tab, and click on New Rule - :
Now insert the details as shown below :
Rule Name: Open Ticket
Then under ‘When an action performed by… ’ section select radio button against ‘Agent or Requester’ label.
Below that under ‘involve any of these conditions ’ sections, in a dropdown, select
Select Event: Status is changed
From: Any Status
To: Closed.
Then under ‘perform these actions’ segment,
Select Action: Trigger Webhook
Request Type: POST
Callback Url : (here replace ‘59a122da8fe5d239bfc0288a’ with your user id shown in previous steps)
Encoding: JSON
Content: Simple
Then select checkbox against ‘Ticket ID {{ }} label
Then click on Preview and Save.
Now Click on Save
Refer below images for more information.
### Create ‘Delete ticket’ webhook
Go to your freshdesk dashboard and click on the ‘Admin’ tab as shown below :
Then under the ‘Helpdesk Productivity’ section click on ‘*Automations’** icon as shown below :
Now click on ticket updates tab, and click on New Rule - :
Now insert the details as shown below :
Rule Name: Delete Ticket
Then under ‘When an action performed by… ’ section select radio button against ‘Agent or Requester’ label.
Below that under ‘involve any of these conditions ’ sections, in a dropdown, select
Select Event: Ticket is
And select ‘deleted’ in a dropdown next to ‘Select Event’.
Then under ‘perform these actions’ segment,
Select Action: Trigger Webhook
Request Type: POST
Callback Url : (here replace ‘59a122da8fe5d239bfc0288a’ with your user id shown in previous steps)
Encoding: JSON
Content: Simple
Then select checkbox against ‘Ticket ID {{ }} label
Then click on Preview and Save.
Then click on Save.
Refer below images for more information.
Hurray!! You have successfully integrated Freshdesk with CallHippo.
Note - Your Email address must be the same in both Callhippo account and freshdesk account that has to be Integrated and E-mail address should not contain “+”.
On Freshdesk:
Login to your Freshdesk *account**.
Note your Domain Name from URL, for example: ‘callhippo1’ is Domain name in
Go to your Profile icon on the top right corner and click on it. In the drop-down menu, click on ‘Profile Settings’.
Find and copy your ‘API key’.
On CallHippo:
Login to your CallHippo *account**.
Go to the Sidebar and click on ‘Integrations’.
Click on the “Integrate” button in front of “Freshdesk”.
Once you click on ‘Integration’ button, you will get one pop-up asking you api-key and domain name (which you copied from URL in previous steps). Enter the details and click on ‘Save’.
Once you click on Save, you will get a message saying ‘Your account with freshdesk will be integrated soon. You will get notified about the same via an email’ and your integration status will be ‘in-progress’.
Once the integration is successful and the process gets completed, your integration status will be ‘integrated’ as shown below :
So now you have successfully integrated your freshdesk account with your CallHippo account and your existing data is synced with CallHippo.
But to sync new data that is being created in freshdesk, you need to create several webhooks, which is explained as below :
Here we will create total of 4 webhooks, which is as follows
But before creating webhook, please copy and note down your CallHippo user id somewhere. Steps to find your CallHippo user id as follows :
Go to Users page in CallHippo
Click on ‘Main User’. It will redirect you to the user setting page.
Now copy the highlighted portion shown in below image and note it down.
### Create ‘Add new ticket’ webhook
Go to your freshdesk dashboard and click on the ‘Admin’ tab as shown below :
Then under the ‘Helpdesk Productivity’ section click on 'Automations' icon as shown below: :
Now Under ticket creation tab, click on New Rule.
Now insert the details as shown below :
Rule Name: Add New Ticket
Description: Called when new ticket with Open Status is created
Then select ‘Match ANY of the below’ radio button.
Below that under ‘Conditions’ section, in a dropdown, select
Select Condition: Status
In the next dropdown, select ‘Is’
And then in the next dropdown select ‘Open’.
Then under ‘Actions’ segment,
Select Action : Trigger Webhook
Request Type : POST
Callback Url : (here replace ‘59a122da8fe5d239bfc0288a’ with your userid shown in previous steps)
Encoding : JSON
Content : Simple
Then select checkbox against ‘Ticket ID {{ }} label
Then click on Save.
Refer below images for more information.
2.Create ‘Close ticket’ webhook
Go to your freshdesk dashboard and click on the ‘Admin’ tab as shown below :
Then under the ‘Helpdesk Productivity’ section click on ‘*Automations**’ icon as shown below:
Now click on ticket updates tab, and click on New Rule -
Now insert the details as shown below :
Rule Name: Close Ticket
Then under ‘When an action performed by… ’ section select radio button against ‘Agent or Requester’ label.
Below that under ‘involve any of these conditions ’ sections, in a dropdown, select
Select Event: Status is changed
From: Open
To: Closed.
Then under ‘perform these actions’ segment,
Select Action: Trigger Webhook
Request Type: POST
Callback Url : []( replace ‘59a122da8fe5d239bfc0288a’ with your user id shown in previous steps)
Encoding: JSON
Content: Simple
Then select checkbox against ‘Ticket ID {{ }} label
Then click on Save.
Refer below images for more information.
### Create ‘Open ticket’ webhook
Go to your freshdesk dashboard and click on the ‘Admin’ tab as shown below :
Then under the ‘Helpdesk Productivity’ section click on ‘*Automations**’ icon as shown below: :
Now click on ticket updates tab, and click on New Rule - :
Now insert the details as shown below :
Rule Name: Open Ticket
Then under ‘When an action performed by… ’ section select radio button against ‘Agent or Requester’ label.
Below that under ‘involve any of these conditions ’ sections, in a dropdown, select
Select Event: Status is changed
From: Any Status
To: Closed.
Then under ‘perform these actions’ segment,
Select Action: Trigger Webhook
Request Type: POST
Callback Url : (here replace ‘59a122da8fe5d239bfc0288a’ with your user id shown in previous steps)
Encoding: JSON
Content: Simple
Then select checkbox against ‘Ticket ID {{ }} label
Then click on Preview and Save.
Now Click on Save
Refer below images for more information.
### Create ‘Delete ticket’ webhook
Go to your freshdesk dashboard and click on the ‘Admin’ tab as shown below :
Then under the ‘Helpdesk Productivity’ section click on ‘*Automations’** icon as shown below :
Now click on ticket updates tab, and click on New Rule - :
Now insert the details as shown below :
Rule Name: Delete Ticket
Then under ‘When an action performed by… ’ section select radio button against ‘Agent or Requester’ label.
Below that under ‘involve any of these conditions ’ sections, in a dropdown, select
Select Event: Ticket is
And select ‘deleted’ in a dropdown next to ‘Select Event’.
Then under ‘perform these actions’ segment,
Select Action: Trigger Webhook
Request Type: POST
Callback Url : (here replace ‘59a122da8fe5d239bfc0288a’ with your user id shown in previous steps)
Encoding: JSON
Content: Simple
Then select checkbox against ‘Ticket ID {{ }} label
Then click on Preview and Save.
Then click on Save.
Refer below images for more information.
Hurray!! You have successfully integrated Freshdesk with CallHippo.
Updated on: 11/04/2022