How to integrate Salesforce Soap with CallHippo?
Log in to your salesforce soap account.
Now click on your profile icon on the top right corner and click on settings.

Now click on Security Token tab and click on reset my security token.

Now you have received a new security token in your email account. Note that down.
Now log in to your callhippo account and go to the integrations tab.
Click on +integrate button of Salesforce Soap.

Now you will be redirected to another page. Click on +connect your Salesforce Soap.

Now enter the details -
Username- Enter username or email address of salesforce account.
Password - Enter the password of your salesforce soap account.
Security Token - The security you got in your email inbox.
Instance - Choose your instance type - Production or Sandbox as suitable.

Now click on save. It should say Datasource is linked.

Click on okay. And click on next
You should now be redirected to callhippo account and your status would be changed to Integrated.

Now click on your profile icon on the top right corner and click on settings.

Now click on Security Token tab and click on reset my security token.

Now you have received a new security token in your email account. Note that down.
Now log in to your callhippo account and go to the integrations tab.
Click on +integrate button of Salesforce Soap.

Now you will be redirected to another page. Click on +connect your Salesforce Soap.

Now enter the details -
Username- Enter username or email address of salesforce account.
Password - Enter the password of your salesforce soap account.
Security Token - The security you got in your email inbox.
Instance - Choose your instance type - Production or Sandbox as suitable.

Now click on save. It should say Datasource is linked.

Click on okay. And click on next
You should now be redirected to callhippo account and your status would be changed to Integrated.

Updated on: 11/04/2022