How to integrate CallHippo with Intercom?
To integrate your CallHippo account with intercom follow the below steps.
Firstly, note your CallHippo User Id by logging into your callHippo account. Now move to the user page in callHippo and click on Main User. It will redirect you to the user settings page. Now copy the highlighted portion shown in the image below and note it down.
The Following are the steps to follow in Intercom for Integration:
Step 1 - Log in to your Intercom account you want to integrate with callHippo.
Step 2 - Now click on the bottom left profile icon and click on Settings.
Step 3 - Now in the settings tab, click on the developer tab and then click on the Developers hub tag.
Step 4 - On the page that opens, click on the New App button.

Set the name of your own choice.
In the select dropdown, select the workspace you want to integrate.
Then select the Public App radio button and click on Create. Your app is now created.

Step 5 - Now click on the Basic information tag in the configure tab and Note Down your client ID and client Secret. (you will need this while integration in Callhippo).

Step 6 - Now click on the Authentication tag in the Configure tab and click on the Edit button in the top right corner.
Step 7 - Now select the checkbox beside Use OAuth and click on “ +Add Redirect URL”
Step 8 - Now enter “” and click on the save button in the top right corner.

Step 11 - Now click on save button. It should show your webhooks settings were updated successfully and a test request was sent successfully.
The Following are the steps to follow in CallHipoo for Integration:
Step 1 - Go to the integrations page and under Intercom. Click on the Integrate button and in the popup that opens. Enter your Client ID and Client Secret you got from above Step 5 and click on save.

Step 2 - You will be redirected on another page. Now click on the authorize access button and you will again be redirected to your callHippo account. Your status will be changed to in-progress.

Step 3 - Once the integration is completed. Your status will change to Integrated.
You have successfully integrated your CallHippo account with Intercom.
All your old data will be synced with CallHippo but to sync new data you need to set up a webhook in Intercom as described below.
Step 1 - Now click on the Webhooks tag of Intercom. Under Your request endpoint URL enter
“” ( Replace “xyz“ with your CallHippo user ID you noted earlier).

Step 2 - Now under Webhook topics dropdown select -

Done. You have now completely integrated CallHippo with Intercom.
Firstly, note your CallHippo User Id by logging into your callHippo account. Now move to the user page in callHippo and click on Main User. It will redirect you to the user settings page. Now copy the highlighted portion shown in the image below and note it down.
The Following are the steps to follow in Intercom for Integration:

Step 1 - Log in to your Intercom account you want to integrate with callHippo.
Step 2 - Now click on the bottom left profile icon and click on Settings.
Step 3 - Now in the settings tab, click on the developer tab and then click on the Developers hub tag.
Step 4 - On the page that opens, click on the New App button.

Set the name of your own choice.
In the select dropdown, select the workspace you want to integrate.
Then select the Public App radio button and click on Create. Your app is now created.

Step 5 - Now click on the Basic information tag in the configure tab and Note Down your client ID and client Secret. (you will need this while integration in Callhippo).

Step 6 - Now click on the Authentication tag in the Configure tab and click on the Edit button in the top right corner.
Step 7 - Now select the checkbox beside Use OAuth and click on “ +Add Redirect URL”
Step 8 - Now enter “” and click on the save button in the top right corner.
Step 11 - Now click on save button. It should show your webhooks settings were updated successfully and a test request was sent successfully.
The Following are the steps to follow in CallHipoo for Integration:
Step 1 - Go to the integrations page and under Intercom. Click on the Integrate button and in the popup that opens. Enter your Client ID and Client Secret you got from above Step 5 and click on save.

Step 2 - You will be redirected on another page. Now click on the authorize access button and you will again be redirected to your callHippo account. Your status will be changed to in-progress.

Step 3 - Once the integration is completed. Your status will change to Integrated.
You have successfully integrated your CallHippo account with Intercom.
All your old data will be synced with CallHippo but to sync new data you need to set up a webhook in Intercom as described below.
Step 1 - Now click on the Webhooks tag of Intercom. Under Your request endpoint URL enter
“” ( Replace “xyz“ with your CallHippo user ID you noted earlier).

Step 2 - Now under Webhook topics dropdown select -

Done. You have now completely integrated CallHippo with Intercom.
Updated on: 11/04/2022