How to configure my Integromat integration?
Log in to your CallHippo account.
Go to the left sidebar menu of your dashboard and click on Integrations.
Select Integromat and click on Integrate.

Popup will open and click on Click to continue

It will redirect you to your Integromat. Click on Start using CallHippo

Authentication and Creating contacts
Click on Skip button which is in header

Click on FAVORITES which is at the bottom of the page and search CallHippo and click on that on that and then Create Contact

To show an example I am using typeform. Click on that center of CallHippo circle and click on Add button

Type your CallHippo email address and password and click on Continue

Type Contact Id,name,numbers Contact Id should be unique every time and click on OK

Click on Run once and it will create new contact. That’s all

Updating contacts
Search Update Contacts and click on that. Type Contact Id which are typed when you create a contact. Type your update name,email, numbers,lead and click on Ok button.
Note - Remember Contact Id will not going to override all other fields will going to override

That’s all you will get success result
Deleting contacts
Deleting contacts is pretty easy. All you have to do is type Contact Id and press OK. that’s all
Creating Deal
Search Create Deal and type Contact Id of contact, Deal Id, Deal Name, Deal Status. You can also add Add Time, Update Time, Expected Closing Time but it is not required and click on OK button. That’s all

Updating Deal
Search Update Deal and type Contact Id of contact, Deal Id which you typed when you are creating a deal, new deal Name, new deal Status. You can also add new deal add time, new deal update time, new deal expected closing time but it is not required. click on OK button. That’s all
Note - Contact Number and Deal Id will not going to change. All other fields will going to override

Deleting deal
Deleting contacts is pretty easy all you have to do is type Contact Id,Deal Id and press OK. that’s all

Call activities and sms activities
call activity and sms activity both are same only output will be different. Search Call Activity or Sms Activity Whatever you want. To get call activity first we have to attach webhook
Attaching Webhook
To attach the webhook click on Call Activity or Sms Activity and press Add button.

Select your authenticated connection and press Save Button

after , sometime you will find one Show Address button. When you click on that it will show you address. Press OK. that’s all.
5.You have to do the same process for sms activities. Whenever there will be any call activity or sms activity. This web hook will going to trigger and you will get output

Output of call activity

Output of sms activity
Detaching Webhook
If you don’t want Call Activity or Sms Activity. Then you have to detach the webhook to detach the webhook go to webhooks which is on the left sidebar

In the webhooks page find your call activity or sms activity webhook and press on the Delete button. That’s all.

Add Users
Search Create User and type id id should be unique then type Name, email, integration name and press okay. That’s all

You will get output like this

Update Users
To update users. Search Update users. Type id which you typed when you are creating the user then type name, email address and integration name and press OK button Remember id will not going to change. Name, email, integration name going to change

You will get output like this

Delete Users
1.To delete users. Search Delete users. Type id which you typed when you are creating the user then press OK button.

You will get output like this way

Removing Integration from CallHippo and Integromat
Please follow these steps strictly. Log in to your CallHippo account.
Go to the left sidebar menu of your dashboard and click on Integrations.
Select Integromat and click on Remove Integration.

Then go to your Integromat account and click on Connections which is on the left sidebar

Find your CallHippo connection and press on Delete button. That’s all

Go to the left sidebar menu of your dashboard and click on Integrations.
Select Integromat and click on Integrate.

Popup will open and click on Click to continue

It will redirect you to your Integromat. Click on Start using CallHippo

Authentication and Creating contacts
Click on Skip button which is in header

Click on FAVORITES which is at the bottom of the page and search CallHippo and click on that on that and then Create Contact

To show an example I am using typeform. Click on that center of CallHippo circle and click on Add button

Type your CallHippo email address and password and click on Continue

Type Contact Id,name,numbers Contact Id should be unique every time and click on OK

Click on Run once and it will create new contact. That’s all

Updating contacts
Search Update Contacts and click on that. Type Contact Id which are typed when you create a contact. Type your update name,email, numbers,lead and click on Ok button.
Note - Remember Contact Id will not going to override all other fields will going to override

That’s all you will get success result
Deleting contacts
Deleting contacts is pretty easy. All you have to do is type Contact Id and press OK. that’s all

Creating Deal
Search Create Deal and type Contact Id of contact, Deal Id, Deal Name, Deal Status. You can also add Add Time, Update Time, Expected Closing Time but it is not required and click on OK button. That’s all

Updating Deal
Search Update Deal and type Contact Id of contact, Deal Id which you typed when you are creating a deal, new deal Name, new deal Status. You can also add new deal add time, new deal update time, new deal expected closing time but it is not required. click on OK button. That’s all
Note - Contact Number and Deal Id will not going to change. All other fields will going to override

Deleting deal
Deleting contacts is pretty easy all you have to do is type Contact Id,Deal Id and press OK. that’s all

Call activities and sms activities
call activity and sms activity both are same only output will be different. Search Call Activity or Sms Activity Whatever you want. To get call activity first we have to attach webhook
Attaching Webhook
To attach the webhook click on Call Activity or Sms Activity and press Add button.

Select your authenticated connection and press Save Button

after , sometime you will find one Show Address button. When you click on that it will show you address. Press OK. that’s all.

5.You have to do the same process for sms activities. Whenever there will be any call activity or sms activity. This web hook will going to trigger and you will get output

Output of call activity

Output of sms activity
Detaching Webhook
If you don’t want Call Activity or Sms Activity. Then you have to detach the webhook to detach the webhook go to webhooks which is on the left sidebar

In the webhooks page find your call activity or sms activity webhook and press on the Delete button. That’s all.

Add Users
Search Create User and type id id should be unique then type Name, email, integration name and press okay. That’s all

You will get output like this

Update Users
To update users. Search Update users. Type id which you typed when you are creating the user then type name, email address and integration name and press OK button Remember id will not going to change. Name, email, integration name going to change

You will get output like this

Delete Users
1.To delete users. Search Delete users. Type id which you typed when you are creating the user then press OK button.

You will get output like this way

Removing Integration from CallHippo and Integromat
Please follow these steps strictly. Log in to your CallHippo account.
Go to the left sidebar menu of your dashboard and click on Integrations.
Select Integromat and click on Remove Integration.

Then go to your Integromat account and click on Connections which is on the left sidebar

Find your CallHippo connection and press on Delete button. That’s all

Updated on: 19/04/2022