How can I check if the number is valid in the Pipedrive?
Log in to Pipedrive CRM -> Go to Contacts
Hover your cursor on the number.
Check this Image for your reference:
Valid number-
If you hover over the number, it will show your number as “valid” in green color, which means your number is valid and you can call that number.
Invalid Number-
If you hover over the number and it will show “invalid” in red colour, which means that your number is invalid and you can’t call this number.
Hover your cursor on the number.
Check this Image for your reference:
Valid number-
If you hover over the number, it will show your number as “valid” in green color, which means your number is valid and you can call that number.
Invalid Number-
If you hover over the number and it will show “invalid” in red colour, which means that your number is invalid and you can’t call this number.
Updated on: 19/04/2022