What is the limit for sending SMS?
The limit for sending SMS is 200 SMS/user/day.PopularSMS not working ? See probable reasons
Troubleshoot Steps For SMS Issue Incase you’re facing issues in sending SMSs, these can be the possible reasons :- Your number might not be SMS enabled. If you’re expecting an OTP to be received on the CallHippo Number, that might not be possible as CallHippo doesn’t guarantee the functionality of any third party tool along with it. You might be contacting a number that is of a different country and not of the same country as the number that you are using to send the SMS. SMSs can only be senFew readersWhat is CallHippo’s SMS character limit?
A single message can accommodate up to 1600 characters. However, the cost of an SMS is calculated based on 160 characters per SMS, which means if you send a single message of 1600 characters, it will be equivalent to 10 messages, cost-wise. The SMS feature is in the Bronze plan and the charges are different for different countries. To know the SMS charges of different countries:- https://callhippo.com/downloads/SMS-ratescountrywise.xlsxFew readersCan I view SMS logs?
Yes, you can view the SMS logs just like call logs in your activity feed.Few readers