Articles on: How CallHippo Works

How to download the CallHippo App?

CallHippo is available on both iOS and Android devices. So you can use CallHippo regardless of the platform your device is running on.

To download CallHippo on Android devices:

Go to the Google Play App or on

Search for “CallHippo”.

From the results, select the CallHippo Virtual Phone System App.

Click “Install”, accept the permissions that apply to you.

Your download will start immediately. You can start using the CallHippo app once the installation is over.

To get CallHippo on your iOS device:

Go to the App Store on your Apple device.

Search for “CallHippo”.

From the results, select the CallHippo Virtual Phone System App.

Click “Install App”.

Your download will start immediately. You can start using the CallHippo app once the installation is over.


Updated on: 19/04/2022